jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

The first weeks

Once I see the root coming out of the Jiffy's then I know it's time to plant them in bigger pots.

This is how they look like after the first week of germination, some red color saturation around the leaf, that's because it's a red version! Incredible!!!

For the trasplant I will use the smart pot, the only pot that really let your roots breathe!!! Thus making some incredible big buds!!! 

as size I would recommend between 11 and 19 liters (#3 to #5)

Next we add some good soil/compost mixed with an extra nutriments like the Bat Guano which is one of the best pure organic fertilizer:

It is important to leave the soil very aired, do not press, otherwise the roots won't have sufficient space to develop and will result in a much smaller plant! 
To prevent this you can add some beads in the soil:

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